In [363]:
from openpyxl import load_workbook
from unidecode import unidecode
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from collections import Counter
import re
import string
import Levenshtein
import time
from uuid import uuid4

In [131]:
def strip_punctuation(s):
    exclude = set(string.punctuation)
    s = ''.join(ch for ch in s if ch not in exclude)
    return s

In [367]:


Load course and investigator data

In [3]:
courselist_wb = load_workbook('/Users/bpeirson/Desktop/MBL Data/MBL COURSE LIST.xlsx')

In [4]:
investigators_wb = load_workbook('/Users/bpeirson/Desktop/MBL Data/MBL INVESTIGATOR LIST.xlsx')

In [28]:
coursedata = []
for sheetname in courselist_wb.get_sheet_names():
    sheet = courselist_wb.get_sheet_by_name(sheetname)
    header_row = sheet.rows[0]
    data_rows = sheet.rows[1:]
    for row in data_rows:
        datum = {'year':int(sheetname)}
        for c in xrange(len(header_row)):
            val = row[c].value
            header = header_row[c].value
            if val is not None and header is not None:
                datum[header] = val

In [340]:
investigatorsdata = []
for sheetname in investigators_wb.get_sheet_names():
    sheet = investigators_wb.get_sheet_by_name(sheetname)
    header_row = sheet.rows[0]
    data_rows = sheet.rows[1:]
    lastrole = None
    lastsubject = None
    for row in data_rows:
        datum = {'year':int(sheetname)}
        for c in xrange(len(header_row)):
            val = row[c].value
            header = header_row[c].value
            if header in ('Independent or Beginner', 'Independent or Beginner?'):
                header = 'Role'
            if val is not None and header is not None:
                datum[header] = val
            elif header == 'Role' and val is None:
                val = lastrole
                datum[header] = val
            elif header == 'Subject' and val is None:
                val = lastsubject
                datum[header] = val
            if header == 'Role' and val is not None:
                lastrole = unicode(val)
            if header == 'Subject' and val is not None:
                lastsubject = unicode(val)

In [341]:

{u'Affiliation': u' College of the City of New York.',
 u'First Name': u' LEONARD P.',
 u'Last Name': u'SAYLES',
 u'Position': u' Assistant Professor',
 'Role': u'Independent',
 'year': 1940}

In [248]:
print len(coursedata), len(investigatorsdata), len(coursedata) + len(investigatorsdata)

47813 37520 85333

Normalize course names

In [153]:
course_names = set([])
f_course_names = Counter()
for datum in coursedata:
        name = unidecode(datum['Course Name'].strip().lower().replace('&', 'and').replace('1', 'i').replace('2', 'ii'))
        f_course_names[name] += 1
    except KeyError:
print len(course_names)


In [154]:
distances = []
course_names_list = list(course_names)
for i in xrange(len(course_names_list)):
    for j in xrange(i+1, len(course_names_list)):
        a = course_names_list[i]
        b = course_names_list[j]
        d = levenshtein(a,b)
        dnorm = float(d)/mean([float(len(a)), float(len(b))])
        distances.append( (i,j,d, dnorm) )

In [155]:
for d in distances:
    if d[3] < 0.17:
        a = course_names_list[d[0]]
        b = course_names_list[d[1]]
        dnorm = d[3]

        print d[3], d[2]
        print f_course_names[a], '\t', a
        print f_course_names[b], '\t', b   
        print '-'*40

0.0109289617486 1
175 	physiology: modern cell biology using microscopic, biochemical and computational approaches
84 	physiology: modern cell biology using microscopic, biochemical, and computational approaches
0.0555555555556 1
39 	optimal microscopy
178 	optical microscopy
0.145454545455 8
37 	spines--summer program in neuroscience, ethics and survival
166 	summer program in neuroscience, ethics and survival
0.0759493670886 3
35 	small computers in biomedical research
19 	small computers in biomedical research, i
0.1 4
35 	small computers in biomedical research
18 	small computers in biomedical research, ii
0.1 4
115 	physiology: cell and molecular biology
368 	physiology: cellular and molecular biology
0.0240963855422 1
19 	small computers in biomedical research, i
18 	small computers in biomedical research, ii
0.0307692307692 1
46 	nasa planetary biology inernship
15 	nasa planetary biology internship
0.0240963855422 1
65 	parthogenesis of neuroimmunologic diseases
489 	pathogenesis of neuroimmunologic diseases
0.041958041958 3
54 	basic immunohistochemical techniques in tissue sections and whole mounts
19 	basic immunocytochemical techniques in tissue sections and whole mounts
0.06 3
40 	summer program in neuroscience, ethics $ survival
166 	summer program in neuroscience, ethics and survival
0.1 2
451 	medical informatics
129 	medical informatics i
0.146341463415 3
451 	medical informatics
130 	medical informatics ii
0.146341463415 3
451 	medical informatics
94 	biomedical informatics
0.0175438596491 1
549 	optimal microscopy and imaging in the biomedical sciences
155 	optical microscopy and imaging in the biomedical sciences
0.046511627907 1
129 	medical informatics i
130 	medical informatics ii
0.133333333333 3
129 	medical informatics i
232 	biomedical informatics i
0.127659574468 3
312 	biomedical informatics ii
130 	medical informatics ii
0.127659574468 3
312 	biomedical informatics ii
94 	biomedical informatics
0.0408163265306 1
312 	biomedical informatics ii
232 	biomedical informatics i
0.136363636364 3
26 	comparative physiology
4 	comparative psychology
0.150537634409 7
13 	advanced workshop on recombinant dna methodology
21 	basic workshop on recombinant dna methodology
0.0869565217391 2
94 	biomedical informatics
232 	biomedical informatics i

In [318]:
# The course_map handles typographical errors in the dataset. There are remarkably
#  few typos. We specify the appropriate spellings manually, below.
course_map = { 
    'optimal microscopy': 'optical microscopy',
    'optimal microscopy and imaging in the biomedical sciences': 'optical microscopy and imaging in the biomedical sciences',
    'nasa planetary biology inernship': 'nasa planetary biology internship',
    'summer program in neuroscience, ethics $ survival': 'summer program in neuroscience, ethics and survival',
    'spines--summer program in neuroscience, ethics and survival': 'summer program in neuroscience, ethics and survival',
    'physiology: modern cell biology using microscopic, biochemical and computational approaches': 'physiology: modern cell biology using microscopic, biochemical, and computational approaches',
    'physiology: cell and molecular biology': 'physiology: cellular and molecular biology',
    'parthogenesis of neuroimmunologic diseases': 'pathogenesis of neuroimmunologic diseases',
print len(course_map)


In [275]:
# If two courses share the same name, then we generally consider them to belong to the 
#  same course group. For example, the 'Ecology' course in 1934 (say) belongs to the
#  same group (or series) as the 'Ecology' course in 1965 (say).
# In some cases, however, courses with slightly (or perhaps very) different names
#  may belong to the same group. For example, an Embryology course might have some
#  subtitle, like: "Embryology: Some great new theme for this course". Or they might
#  be numbered, like "Biomedical informatics I" and "Biomedical informatics II".
# The coursegroup_map handles the latter cases. Keys are specific course names that
#  occur in the dataset, and values are the group names that should be used.
#  Some of these mappings are given manually, based on inspection of the dataset.
#  Other mappings are generated by looking for colons (':') in course names; the
#  part of the name before the colon is assumed to be the proper group name.

coursegroup_map = { 
    'small computers in biomedical research, i': 'small computers in biomedical research',
    'small computers in biomedical research, ii': 'small computers in biomedical research',
    'medical informatics': 'biomedical informatics',
    'medical informatics i': 'biomedical informatics',
    'medical informatics ii': 'biomedical informatics',
    'biomedical informatics i': 'biomedical informatics',
    'biomedical informatics ii': 'biomedical informatics',
    'advanced workshop on recombinant dna methodology': 'workshop on recombinant dna methodology',
    'basic workshop on recombinant dna methodology': 'workshop on recombinant dna methodology',

for cname in list(course_names):   # Here we look for course names with subtitles,
    parts = cname.split(':')       #  characterized by a colon (':') in their names.
    if len(parts) > 1:
print len(coursegroup_map)


In [297]:
def normalize_coursename(cname):
    cname = unidecode(cname).lower().strip()
    if cname in course_map:
        cname = course_map[cname]
    if cname in coursegroup_map:
        group = coursegroup_map[cname]
        group = cname
    return cname, group

In [394]:
course_ids = {}
def get_course_uri(cname):
    if cname not in course_ids:
        uri = '{0}'.format(uuid4())  
        course_ids[cname] = uri
        uri = course_ids[cname]
    return uri

In [395]:
coursegroup_ids = {}
def get_coursegroup_uri(coursegroup):
    if coursegroup not in coursegroup_ids:
        uri = '{0}'.format(uuid4())  
        coursegroup_ids[coursegroup] = uri
        uri = coursegroup_ids[coursegroup]
    return uri

Normalize personal names

In [383]:
person_ids = {}   # Name -> URI

In [252]:
personal_names = set([])
f_personal_names = Counter()
personal_affiliations = {}
for datum in coursedata + investigatorsdata:
        lastname = unidecode(unicode(datum['Last Name']).strip().lower().replace('.',''))
        firstname = unidecode(unicode(datum['First Name']).strip().lower())
        firstname = ' '.join([ n.strip(' ') for n in re.split('\.|\W+', firstname) if n != '' ]).strip().replace('.','')
        affiliations = normalized_institutions(datum['Affiliation'])    # Returns a list.
        name = (lastname, firstname)
        f_personal_names[name] += 1
        if name not in personal_affiliations:
            personal_affiliations[name] = set([])
        for affiliation in affiliations:  
    except KeyError:
    except AttributeError:
        print datum['Last Name']
print len(personal_names)


In [253]:
personal_names_list = list(personal_names)
N_names = len(personal_names)
by_last = {}
for i in xrange(N_names):
    lastname, firstname = personal_names_list[i]
    if lastname not in by_last:
        by_last[lastname] = set([])
    by_last[lastname].add(firstname)    # The surname of A is identical to the surname of B

In [378]:
person_map = {}
for last, firsts in by_last.iteritems():    # We assume that surnames are not misspelled.
    N_firsts = len(firsts)                  #  This is not strictly true, but it is not
    if N_firsts > 1:                        #  quite clear how to proceed otherwise.
        lfirsts = list(firsts)              # Consider cases in which two names, I and J,
        for i in xrange(N_firsts):          #  have a common surname.
            iname = lfirsts[i]
            inames = iname.split(' ')
            iinits = [f[0] for f in inames ]
            for j in xrange(i+1, N_firsts):     
                jname = lfirsts[j]
                jnames = jname.split(' ')
                jinits = [f[0] for f in jnames ]

                # For each such pair, I and J, we compare the X parts of their forenames,
                #  where X is the minimum number of forename parts for I and J.
                match = True               
                for x in xrange(min( [len(inames), len(jnames)] )):
                    # If the x part if either forename is an initial, we evaluate
                    #  only the first character of the two parts.
                    if len(inames[x]) == 1 or len(jnames[x]) == 1:
                        if iinits[x] != jinits[x]:
                            match = False
                    # Otherwise, the x part of the two forenames must be identical.
                        if inames[x] != jnames[x]:
                            match = False
                if match:     
                    # If the forenames of I and J match, as described above, we check
                    # to see whether they share at least one institutional affiliation.
                    shared = personal_affiliations[(last, iname)] & personal_affiliations[(last, jname)]
                    if len(shared) > 0:
                        # If they share at least one institutional affiliation, then
                        #  we believe that I and J both refer to the same person.
                        if len(iname) > len(jname):    # Use the longest name (most complete).
                            key = jname
                            alt = iname
                            key = iname
                            alt = jname
                        if (last, alt) in person_map:
                            top = False
                            while not top:
                                    alt = person_map[(last,alt)][1]
                                except KeyError:
                                    top = True
                        person_map[(last, key)] = (last, alt)      
    # If the conditions above are not satisfied, then we lack sufficient evidence to
    #  assert that the names I and J refer to the same person.
print len(person_map)


In [384]:
def normalized_person(last, first):
    Generates a normalized representation of a personal name.
    lastname = unidecode(unicode(last)
    firstname = unidecode(unicode(first)
    firstname = ' '.join([ n.strip(' ') for n 
                          in re.split('\.|\W+', firstname) 
                          if n != '' ]).strip().replace('.','')    
    name = (lastname, firstname)
    if name in person_map:
        normed_name = person_map[name]
        normed_name = name
    if normed_name not in person_ids:
        uri = '{0}'.format(uuid4())
        person_ids[normed_name] = uri
        uri = person_ids[normed_name]
    return normed_name, uri

In [259]:
i = 0
for datum in investigatorsdata[0:10]:
    if 'Last Name' in datum and 'First Name' in datum:
        print normalized_person(datum['Last Name'], datum['First Name'])
    i += 1
print i

('gardiner', 'edward g')
('jordan', 'edwin o')
('washburn', 'f l')
('clapp', 'cornelia maria')
("o'grady", 'marcella i')
('harris', 'helen torrey')
('mulford', 'isabel')
('ayers', 'howard')
('farlow', 'w g')
('gardiner', 'edward g')

Normalize institution names

In [249]:
institution_names = set([])
f_institution_names = Counter()
for datum in coursedata + investigatorsdata:
        affs = unidecode(unicode(datum['Affiliation'])
                             .replace('&', 'and')
                             .replace('-', ' '))
        for aff in affs.split('/'):
            aff = strip_punctuation(aff.strip()).replace('  ',' ')
            aff = ' '.join([ word for word in aff.split(' ') if word != 'the'])
            f_institution_names[aff] += 1
    except KeyError:
print len(institution_names)


In [250]:
institution_distances = []
institution_names_list = list(institution_names)
for i in xrange(len(institution_names_list)):
    for j in xrange(i+1, len(institution_names_list)):
        a = institution_names_list[i]
        b = institution_names_list[j]
        d = Levenshtein.distance(a,b)
        dnorm = float(d)/mean([float(len(a)), float(len(b))])
        institution_distances.append( (i,j,d, dnorm) )

In [251]:
institutions_lookup = {}
for d in institution_distances:
    if d[3] < 0.1 and d[2] < 4:
        a = institution_names_list[d[0]]
        b = institution_names_list[d[1]]
        f_a = f_institution_names[a]
        f_b = f_institution_names[b]
        if f_a > f_b:
            key = a
            alt = b
            f_key = f_a
            f_alt = f_b
            key = b
            alt = a
            f_key = f_b
            f_alt = f_a
        if alt in institutions_lookup:
            f_m = f_institution_names[institutions_lookup[alt]]
            if f_key > f_m:
                institutions_lookup[alt] = key
            institutions_lookup[alt] = key

In [388]:
institution_ids = {
    'Marine Biological Laboratory': '{0}'.format(uuid4()),
}   # Institution -> URI

In [389]:
def normalized_institutions(inames):
    Generates a normalized representation of an institutional name.
    anames = []
    affs = unidecode(unicode(inames)            # The value of the 'Affiliation' field is
                         .strip()               #  stripped padding whitespace (e.g. spaces),
                         .lower()               #  and converted to lowercase.
                         .replace('&', 'and')   # Ampersands are converted to 'and', and
                         .replace('-', ' '))    #  hyphens are interpreted as spaces.
                                                # The 'Affiliation' field can contain multiple
    for aff in affs.split('/'):                 #  institutions, separated by a slash ('/').
        # All punctuation is removed, and double-spaces are converted to single.     
        aff = strip_punctuation(aff.strip()).replace('  ',' ')  
        aff = ' '.join([ word for word          # One source of variation in names it the
                        in aff.split(' ')       #  inclusion of 'the'. We simply remove
                        if word != 'the'] )     #  'the' from all names.
        if aff in institutions_lookup:          # In a previous step, we generated aggregation
            aff = institutions_lookup[aff]      #  rules for some names. If there were multiple
                                                #  similar names, this retrieves the most likely.
        if aff not in institution_ids:
            uri = '{0}'.format(uuid4())
            institution_ids[aff] = uri            
    return anames

In [416]:
location_ids = {}
def get_location_uri(location):
    if location not in location_ids:
        uri = '{0}'.format(uuid4())  
        location_ids[location] = uri
        uri = location_ids[location]
    return uri

Generate cleaned data

In [423]:
cleaned_coursedata = []
cleaned_locations = []
cleaned_affiliations = []
cleaned_coursegroups = []
courses_added = set([])
cleaned_investigators = []

for datum in investigatorsdata:
        datum['Last Name']
        datum['First Name']
    except KeyError:
    name, person_uri = normalized_person(datum['Last Name'], datum['First Name'])
    last, first = name

        location = unidecode(datum['Location']).strip().lower()
        location_uri = get_location_uri(location)
    except KeyError:
        location = ''
        affiliation = datum['Affiliation']
    except KeyError:
        affiliation = None
        role = unidecode(datum['Role'])
    except KeyError:
        role = ''   
        subject = unidecode(datum['Subject'])
        subject = ''
        position = unidecode(datum['Position'])
    except KeyError:
        position = ''        
    # Person -[hasAffiliation:Position:Year]-> Affiliation
    if affiliation is not None:    # Must have an affiliation.
        for affname in normalized_institutions(affiliation):
            aff_uri = institution_ids[affname]
            cleaned_affiliation = {
                'Person URI': person_uri,
                'Last Name': last.title(),
                'First Name': first.title(),
                'Institution': affname.title(),
                'Institution URI': aff_uri,
                'Position': position,
                'Year': datum['year'],
    # Marine Biological Laboratory -[hasInvestigator:Role:Subject:Year]-> Person
    cleaned_investigator = {
        'Role': role.title(),
        'Subject': subject.title(),
        'Year': datum['year'],
        'Person URI': person_uri,
        'First Name': first.title(),
        'Last Name': last.title(),
for datum in coursedata:
        datum['Last Name']
        datum['First Name']
    except KeyError:
    name, person_uri = normalized_person(datum['Last Name'], datum['First Name'])
    last, first = name
        cname, coursegroup = normalize_coursename(datum['Course Name'])
        cname = '{0} {1}'.format(cname, datum['year']).title()
        coursegroup = coursegroup.title()
        course_uri = get_course_uri(cname)
        coursegroup_uri = get_coursegroup_uri(coursegroup)
    except KeyError:
        cname = None
        coursegroup = None
        position = unidecode(datum['Position at Affiliation'])
    except KeyError:
        position = ''
        location = unidecode(datum['Location']).strip().lower()
        location_uri = get_location_uri(location)        
    except KeyError:
        location = ''
        affiliation = datum['Affiliation']
    except KeyError:
        affiliation = None
        role = unidecode(datum['Role'])
    except KeyError:
        role = ''
    # Course -[partOf:Year]-> Group
    if cname not in courses_added:
        cgroup_datum = {
            'Course Group': coursegroup,
            'Course Group URI': coursegroup_uri,
            'Course Name': cname,            
            'Course URI': course_uri,
            'Year': datum['year'],
    # Person -[hasLocation:Year]-> Location
    cleaned_location = {
        'Person URI': person_uri,
        'Last Name': last.title(),
        'First Name': first.title(),
        'Location': location,    
        'Location URI': location_uri,
        'Year': datum['year'],
    # Person -[attended:Role:Year]-> Course
    if cname is not None:   # Must have a course.
        cleaned_datum = {
            'Course Name': cname,
            'Course URI': course_uri,
            'Role': role,
            'Person URI': person_uri,
            'Last Name': last.title(),
            'First Name': first.title(),
            'Year': datum['year'],
    else:    # Person -[hasAffiliation:Position:Year]-> "Marine Biological Laboratory"
        aff_uri = institution_ids["Marine Biological Laboratory"]
        cleaned_affiliation = {
            'Person URI': person_uri,
            'Last Name': last.title(),
            'First Name': first.title(),
            'Institution': 'Marine Biological Laboratory',
            'Institution URI': aff_uri,
            'Position': role,
            'Year': datum['year'],
    # Person -[hasAffiliation:Position:Year]-> Affiliation
    if affiliation is not None:    # Must have an affiliation.
        for affname in normalized_institutions(affiliation):
            aff_uri = institution_ids[affname]
            cleaned_affiliation = {
                'Person URI': person_uri,
                'Last Name': last.title(),
                'First Name': first.title(),
                'Institution': affname.title(),
                'Institution URI': aff_uri,
                'Position': position,
                'Year': datum['year'],

In [418]:
print len(coursedata), len(cleaned_coursedata), len(cleaned_affiliations), len(cleaned_coursegroups), len(cleaned_locations), len(cleaned_investigators)

47813 46909 52500 1095 47248 7996

In [315]:
import csv

In [398]:
headers = cleaned_coursedata[0].keys()
with open('/Users/bpeirson/Desktop/MBL Data/cleaned_coursedata.csv', 'w') as f:
    writer = csv.writer(f)
    for datum in cleaned_coursedata:
        writer.writerow( [ datum[key] for key in headers ] )

In [424]:
headers = cleaned_affiliations[0].keys()
with open('/Users/bpeirson/Desktop/MBL Data/cleaned_affiliations.csv', 'w') as f:
    writer = csv.writer(f)
    for datum in cleaned_affiliations:
        writer.writerow( [ datum[key] for key in headers ] )

In [407]:
headers = cleaned_coursegroups[0].keys()
with open('/Users/bpeirson/Desktop/MBL Data/cleaned_coursegroups.csv', 'w') as f:
    writer = csv.writer(f)
    for datum in cleaned_coursegroups:
        writer.writerow( [ datum[key] for key in headers ] )

In [419]:
headers = cleaned_locations[0].keys()
with open('/Users/bpeirson/Desktop/MBL Data/cleaned_locations.csv', 'w') as f:
    writer = csv.writer(f)
    for datum in cleaned_locations:
        writer.writerow( [ datum[key] for key in headers ] )

In [409]:
headers = cleaned_investigators[0].keys()
with open('/Users/bpeirson/Desktop/MBL Data/cleaned_investigators.csv', 'w') as f:
    writer = csv.writer(f)
    for datum in cleaned_investigators:
        writer.writerow( [ datum[key] for key in headers ] )

In [412]:
with open('/Users/bpeirson/Desktop/MBL Data/person.csv', 'w') as f:
    writer = csv.writer(f)
    writer.writerow(['Last Name', 'First Name', 'Person URI'])
    for name, uri in person_ids.iteritems():
        last,first = name
        writer.writerow([last.title(), first.title(), uri])

In [414]:
with open('/Users/bpeirson/Desktop/MBL Data/institution.csv', 'w') as f:
    writer = csv.writer(f)
    writer.writerow(['Institution', 'Institution URI'])
    for institution, uri in institution_ids.iteritems():
        writer.writerow([institution.title(), uri])

In [420]:
with open('/Users/bpeirson/Desktop/MBL Data/location.csv', 'w') as f:
    writer = csv.writer(f)
    writer.writerow(['Location', 'Location URI'])
    for location, uri in location_ids.iteritems():
        writer.writerow([location, uri])

In [421]:
with open('/Users/bpeirson/Desktop/MBL Data/course.csv', 'w') as f:
    writer = csv.writer(f)
    writer.writerow(['Course Name', 'Course URI'])
    for cname, uri in course_ids.iteritems():
        writer.writerow([cname, uri])

In [422]:
with open('/Users/bpeirson/Desktop/MBL Data/coursegroup.csv', 'w') as f:
    writer = csv.writer(f)
    writer.writerow(['Course Group', 'Course Group URI'])
    for cname, uri in coursegroup_ids.iteritems():
        writer.writerow([cname, uri])

In [ ]: