In [363]:
from openpyxl import load_workbook
from unidecode import unidecode
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from collections import Counter
import re
import string
import Levenshtein
import time
from uuid import uuid4
In [131]:
def strip_punctuation(s):
exclude = set(string.punctuation)
s = ''.join(ch for ch in s if ch not in exclude)
return s
In [367]:
In [3]:
courselist_wb = load_workbook('/Users/bpeirson/Desktop/MBL Data/MBL COURSE LIST.xlsx')
In [4]:
investigators_wb = load_workbook('/Users/bpeirson/Desktop/MBL Data/MBL INVESTIGATOR LIST.xlsx')
In [28]:
coursedata = []
for sheetname in courselist_wb.get_sheet_names():
sheet = courselist_wb.get_sheet_by_name(sheetname)
header_row = sheet.rows[0]
data_rows = sheet.rows[1:]
for row in data_rows:
datum = {'year':int(sheetname)}
for c in xrange(len(header_row)):
val = row[c].value
header = header_row[c].value
if val is not None and header is not None:
datum[header] = val
In [340]:
investigatorsdata = []
for sheetname in investigators_wb.get_sheet_names():
sheet = investigators_wb.get_sheet_by_name(sheetname)
header_row = sheet.rows[0]
data_rows = sheet.rows[1:]
lastrole = None
lastsubject = None
for row in data_rows:
datum = {'year':int(sheetname)}
for c in xrange(len(header_row)):
val = row[c].value
header = header_row[c].value
if header in ('Independent or Beginner', 'Independent or Beginner?'):
header = 'Role'
if val is not None and header is not None:
datum[header] = val
elif header == 'Role' and val is None:
val = lastrole
datum[header] = val
elif header == 'Subject' and val is None:
val = lastsubject
datum[header] = val
if header == 'Role' and val is not None:
lastrole = unicode(val)
if header == 'Subject' and val is not None:
lastsubject = unicode(val)
In [341]:
In [248]:
print len(coursedata), len(investigatorsdata), len(coursedata) + len(investigatorsdata)
In [153]:
course_names = set([])
f_course_names = Counter()
for datum in coursedata:
name = unidecode(datum['Course Name'].strip().lower().replace('&', 'and').replace('1', 'i').replace('2', 'ii'))
f_course_names[name] += 1
except KeyError:
print len(course_names)
In [154]:
distances = []
course_names_list = list(course_names)
for i in xrange(len(course_names_list)):
for j in xrange(i+1, len(course_names_list)):
a = course_names_list[i]
b = course_names_list[j]
d = levenshtein(a,b)
dnorm = float(d)/mean([float(len(a)), float(len(b))])
distances.append( (i,j,d, dnorm) )
In [155]:
for d in distances:
if d[3] < 0.17:
a = course_names_list[d[0]]
b = course_names_list[d[1]]
dnorm = d[3]
print d[3], d[2]
print f_course_names[a], '\t', a
print f_course_names[b], '\t', b
print '-'*40
In [318]:
# The course_map handles typographical errors in the dataset. There are remarkably
# few typos. We specify the appropriate spellings manually, below.
course_map = {
'optimal microscopy': 'optical microscopy',
'optimal microscopy and imaging in the biomedical sciences': 'optical microscopy and imaging in the biomedical sciences',
'nasa planetary biology inernship': 'nasa planetary biology internship',
'summer program in neuroscience, ethics $ survival': 'summer program in neuroscience, ethics and survival',
'spines--summer program in neuroscience, ethics and survival': 'summer program in neuroscience, ethics and survival',
'physiology: modern cell biology using microscopic, biochemical and computational approaches': 'physiology: modern cell biology using microscopic, biochemical, and computational approaches',
'physiology: cell and molecular biology': 'physiology: cellular and molecular biology',
'parthogenesis of neuroimmunologic diseases': 'pathogenesis of neuroimmunologic diseases',
print len(course_map)
In [275]:
# If two courses share the same name, then we generally consider them to belong to the
# same course group. For example, the 'Ecology' course in 1934 (say) belongs to the
# same group (or series) as the 'Ecology' course in 1965 (say).
# In some cases, however, courses with slightly (or perhaps very) different names
# may belong to the same group. For example, an Embryology course might have some
# subtitle, like: "Embryology: Some great new theme for this course". Or they might
# be numbered, like "Biomedical informatics I" and "Biomedical informatics II".
# The coursegroup_map handles the latter cases. Keys are specific course names that
# occur in the dataset, and values are the group names that should be used.
# Some of these mappings are given manually, based on inspection of the dataset.
# Other mappings are generated by looking for colons (':') in course names; the
# part of the name before the colon is assumed to be the proper group name.
coursegroup_map = {
'small computers in biomedical research, i': 'small computers in biomedical research',
'small computers in biomedical research, ii': 'small computers in biomedical research',
'medical informatics': 'biomedical informatics',
'medical informatics i': 'biomedical informatics',
'medical informatics ii': 'biomedical informatics',
'biomedical informatics i': 'biomedical informatics',
'biomedical informatics ii': 'biomedical informatics',
'advanced workshop on recombinant dna methodology': 'workshop on recombinant dna methodology',
'basic workshop on recombinant dna methodology': 'workshop on recombinant dna methodology',
for cname in list(course_names): # Here we look for course names with subtitles,
parts = cname.split(':') # characterized by a colon (':') in their names.
if len(parts) > 1:
print len(coursegroup_map)
In [297]:
def normalize_coursename(cname):
cname = unidecode(cname).lower().strip()
if cname in course_map:
cname = course_map[cname]
if cname in coursegroup_map:
group = coursegroup_map[cname]
group = cname
return cname, group
In [394]:
course_ids = {}
def get_course_uri(cname):
if cname not in course_ids:
uri = '{0}'.format(uuid4())
course_ids[cname] = uri
uri = course_ids[cname]
return uri
In [395]:
coursegroup_ids = {}
def get_coursegroup_uri(coursegroup):
if coursegroup not in coursegroup_ids:
uri = '{0}'.format(uuid4())
coursegroup_ids[coursegroup] = uri
uri = coursegroup_ids[coursegroup]
return uri
In [383]:
person_ids = {} # Name -> URI
In [252]:
personal_names = set([])
f_personal_names = Counter()
personal_affiliations = {}
for datum in coursedata + investigatorsdata:
lastname = unidecode(unicode(datum['Last Name']).strip().lower().replace('.',''))
firstname = unidecode(unicode(datum['First Name']).strip().lower())
firstname = ' '.join([ n.strip(' ') for n in re.split('\.|\W+', firstname) if n != '' ]).strip().replace('.','')
affiliations = normalized_institutions(datum['Affiliation']) # Returns a list.
name = (lastname, firstname)
f_personal_names[name] += 1
if name not in personal_affiliations:
personal_affiliations[name] = set([])
for affiliation in affiliations:
except KeyError:
except AttributeError:
print datum['Last Name']
print len(personal_names)
In [253]:
personal_names_list = list(personal_names)
N_names = len(personal_names)
by_last = {}
for i in xrange(N_names):
lastname, firstname = personal_names_list[i]
if lastname not in by_last:
by_last[lastname] = set([])
by_last[lastname].add(firstname) # The surname of A is identical to the surname of B
In [378]:
person_map = {}
for last, firsts in by_last.iteritems(): # We assume that surnames are not misspelled.
N_firsts = len(firsts) # This is not strictly true, but it is not
if N_firsts > 1: # quite clear how to proceed otherwise.
lfirsts = list(firsts) # Consider cases in which two names, I and J,
for i in xrange(N_firsts): # have a common surname.
iname = lfirsts[i]
inames = iname.split(' ')
iinits = [f[0] for f in inames ]
for j in xrange(i+1, N_firsts):
jname = lfirsts[j]
jnames = jname.split(' ')
jinits = [f[0] for f in jnames ]
# For each such pair, I and J, we compare the X parts of their forenames,
# where X is the minimum number of forename parts for I and J.
match = True
for x in xrange(min( [len(inames), len(jnames)] )):
# If the x part if either forename is an initial, we evaluate
# only the first character of the two parts.
if len(inames[x]) == 1 or len(jnames[x]) == 1:
if iinits[x] != jinits[x]:
match = False
# Otherwise, the x part of the two forenames must be identical.
if inames[x] != jnames[x]:
match = False
if match:
# If the forenames of I and J match, as described above, we check
# to see whether they share at least one institutional affiliation.
shared = personal_affiliations[(last, iname)] & personal_affiliations[(last, jname)]
if len(shared) > 0:
# If they share at least one institutional affiliation, then
# we believe that I and J both refer to the same person.
if len(iname) > len(jname): # Use the longest name (most complete).
key = jname
alt = iname
key = iname
alt = jname
if (last, alt) in person_map:
top = False
while not top:
alt = person_map[(last,alt)][1]
except KeyError:
top = True
person_map[(last, key)] = (last, alt)
# If the conditions above are not satisfied, then we lack sufficient evidence to
# assert that the names I and J refer to the same person.
print len(person_map)
In [384]:
def normalized_person(last, first):
Generates a normalized representation of a personal name.
lastname = unidecode(unicode(last)
firstname = unidecode(unicode(first)
firstname = ' '.join([ n.strip(' ') for n
in re.split('\.|\W+', firstname)
if n != '' ]).strip().replace('.','')
name = (lastname, firstname)
if name in person_map:
normed_name = person_map[name]
normed_name = name
if normed_name not in person_ids:
uri = '{0}'.format(uuid4())
person_ids[normed_name] = uri
uri = person_ids[normed_name]
return normed_name, uri
In [259]:
i = 0
for datum in investigatorsdata[0:10]:
if 'Last Name' in datum and 'First Name' in datum:
print normalized_person(datum['Last Name'], datum['First Name'])
i += 1
print i
In [249]:
institution_names = set([])
f_institution_names = Counter()
for datum in coursedata + investigatorsdata:
affs = unidecode(unicode(datum['Affiliation'])
.replace('&', 'and')
.replace('-', ' '))
for aff in affs.split('/'):
aff = strip_punctuation(aff.strip()).replace(' ',' ')
aff = ' '.join([ word for word in aff.split(' ') if word != 'the'])
f_institution_names[aff] += 1
except KeyError:
print len(institution_names)
In [250]:
institution_distances = []
institution_names_list = list(institution_names)
for i in xrange(len(institution_names_list)):
for j in xrange(i+1, len(institution_names_list)):
a = institution_names_list[i]
b = institution_names_list[j]
d = Levenshtein.distance(a,b)
dnorm = float(d)/mean([float(len(a)), float(len(b))])
institution_distances.append( (i,j,d, dnorm) )
In [251]:
institutions_lookup = {}
for d in institution_distances:
if d[3] < 0.1 and d[2] < 4:
a = institution_names_list[d[0]]
b = institution_names_list[d[1]]
f_a = f_institution_names[a]
f_b = f_institution_names[b]
if f_a > f_b:
key = a
alt = b
f_key = f_a
f_alt = f_b
key = b
alt = a
f_key = f_b
f_alt = f_a
if alt in institutions_lookup:
f_m = f_institution_names[institutions_lookup[alt]]
if f_key > f_m:
institutions_lookup[alt] = key
institutions_lookup[alt] = key
In [388]:
institution_ids = {
'Marine Biological Laboratory': '{0}'.format(uuid4()),
} # Institution -> URI
In [389]:
def normalized_institutions(inames):
Generates a normalized representation of an institutional name.
anames = []
affs = unidecode(unicode(inames) # The value of the 'Affiliation' field is
.strip() # stripped padding whitespace (e.g. spaces),
.lower() # and converted to lowercase.
.replace('&', 'and') # Ampersands are converted to 'and', and
.replace('-', ' ')) # hyphens are interpreted as spaces.
# The 'Affiliation' field can contain multiple
for aff in affs.split('/'): # institutions, separated by a slash ('/').
# All punctuation is removed, and double-spaces are converted to single.
aff = strip_punctuation(aff.strip()).replace(' ',' ')
aff = ' '.join([ word for word # One source of variation in names it the
in aff.split(' ') # inclusion of 'the'. We simply remove
if word != 'the'] ) # 'the' from all names.
if aff in institutions_lookup: # In a previous step, we generated aggregation
aff = institutions_lookup[aff] # rules for some names. If there were multiple
# similar names, this retrieves the most likely.
if aff not in institution_ids:
uri = '{0}'.format(uuid4())
institution_ids[aff] = uri
return anames
In [416]:
location_ids = {}
def get_location_uri(location):
if location not in location_ids:
uri = '{0}'.format(uuid4())
location_ids[location] = uri
uri = location_ids[location]
return uri
In [423]:
cleaned_coursedata = []
cleaned_locations = []
cleaned_affiliations = []
cleaned_coursegroups = []
courses_added = set([])
cleaned_investigators = []
for datum in investigatorsdata:
datum['Last Name']
datum['First Name']
except KeyError:
name, person_uri = normalized_person(datum['Last Name'], datum['First Name'])
last, first = name
location = unidecode(datum['Location']).strip().lower()
location_uri = get_location_uri(location)
except KeyError:
location = ''
affiliation = datum['Affiliation']
except KeyError:
affiliation = None
role = unidecode(datum['Role'])
except KeyError:
role = ''
subject = unidecode(datum['Subject'])
subject = ''
position = unidecode(datum['Position'])
except KeyError:
position = ''
# Person -[hasAffiliation:Position:Year]-> Affiliation
if affiliation is not None: # Must have an affiliation.
for affname in normalized_institutions(affiliation):
aff_uri = institution_ids[affname]
cleaned_affiliation = {
'Person URI': person_uri,
'Last Name': last.title(),
'First Name': first.title(),
'Institution': affname.title(),
'Institution URI': aff_uri,
'Position': position,
'Year': datum['year'],
# Marine Biological Laboratory -[hasInvestigator:Role:Subject:Year]-> Person
cleaned_investigator = {
'Role': role.title(),
'Subject': subject.title(),
'Year': datum['year'],
'Person URI': person_uri,
'First Name': first.title(),
'Last Name': last.title(),
for datum in coursedata:
datum['Last Name']
datum['First Name']
except KeyError:
name, person_uri = normalized_person(datum['Last Name'], datum['First Name'])
last, first = name
cname, coursegroup = normalize_coursename(datum['Course Name'])
cname = '{0} {1}'.format(cname, datum['year']).title()
coursegroup = coursegroup.title()
course_uri = get_course_uri(cname)
coursegroup_uri = get_coursegroup_uri(coursegroup)
except KeyError:
cname = None
coursegroup = None
position = unidecode(datum['Position at Affiliation'])
except KeyError:
position = ''
location = unidecode(datum['Location']).strip().lower()
location_uri = get_location_uri(location)
except KeyError:
location = ''
affiliation = datum['Affiliation']
except KeyError:
affiliation = None
role = unidecode(datum['Role'])
except KeyError:
role = ''
# Course -[partOf:Year]-> Group
if cname not in courses_added:
cgroup_datum = {
'Course Group': coursegroup,
'Course Group URI': coursegroup_uri,
'Course Name': cname,
'Course URI': course_uri,
'Year': datum['year'],
# Person -[hasLocation:Year]-> Location
cleaned_location = {
'Person URI': person_uri,
'Last Name': last.title(),
'First Name': first.title(),
'Location': location,
'Location URI': location_uri,
'Year': datum['year'],
# Person -[attended:Role:Year]-> Course
if cname is not None: # Must have a course.
cleaned_datum = {
'Course Name': cname,
'Course URI': course_uri,
'Role': role,
'Person URI': person_uri,
'Last Name': last.title(),
'First Name': first.title(),
'Year': datum['year'],
else: # Person -[hasAffiliation:Position:Year]-> "Marine Biological Laboratory"
aff_uri = institution_ids["Marine Biological Laboratory"]
cleaned_affiliation = {
'Person URI': person_uri,
'Last Name': last.title(),
'First Name': first.title(),
'Institution': 'Marine Biological Laboratory',
'Institution URI': aff_uri,
'Position': role,
'Year': datum['year'],
# Person -[hasAffiliation:Position:Year]-> Affiliation
if affiliation is not None: # Must have an affiliation.
for affname in normalized_institutions(affiliation):
aff_uri = institution_ids[affname]
cleaned_affiliation = {
'Person URI': person_uri,
'Last Name': last.title(),
'First Name': first.title(),
'Institution': affname.title(),
'Institution URI': aff_uri,
'Position': position,
'Year': datum['year'],
In [418]:
print len(coursedata), len(cleaned_coursedata), len(cleaned_affiliations), len(cleaned_coursegroups), len(cleaned_locations), len(cleaned_investigators)
In [315]:
import csv
In [398]:
headers = cleaned_coursedata[0].keys()
with open('/Users/bpeirson/Desktop/MBL Data/cleaned_coursedata.csv', 'w') as f:
writer = csv.writer(f)
for datum in cleaned_coursedata:
writer.writerow( [ datum[key] for key in headers ] )
In [424]:
headers = cleaned_affiliations[0].keys()
with open('/Users/bpeirson/Desktop/MBL Data/cleaned_affiliations.csv', 'w') as f:
writer = csv.writer(f)
for datum in cleaned_affiliations:
writer.writerow( [ datum[key] for key in headers ] )
In [407]:
headers = cleaned_coursegroups[0].keys()
with open('/Users/bpeirson/Desktop/MBL Data/cleaned_coursegroups.csv', 'w') as f:
writer = csv.writer(f)
for datum in cleaned_coursegroups:
writer.writerow( [ datum[key] for key in headers ] )
In [419]:
headers = cleaned_locations[0].keys()
with open('/Users/bpeirson/Desktop/MBL Data/cleaned_locations.csv', 'w') as f:
writer = csv.writer(f)
for datum in cleaned_locations:
writer.writerow( [ datum[key] for key in headers ] )
In [409]:
headers = cleaned_investigators[0].keys()
with open('/Users/bpeirson/Desktop/MBL Data/cleaned_investigators.csv', 'w') as f:
writer = csv.writer(f)
for datum in cleaned_investigators:
writer.writerow( [ datum[key] for key in headers ] )
In [412]:
with open('/Users/bpeirson/Desktop/MBL Data/person.csv', 'w') as f:
writer = csv.writer(f)
writer.writerow(['Last Name', 'First Name', 'Person URI'])
for name, uri in person_ids.iteritems():
last,first = name
writer.writerow([last.title(), first.title(), uri])
In [414]:
with open('/Users/bpeirson/Desktop/MBL Data/institution.csv', 'w') as f:
writer = csv.writer(f)
writer.writerow(['Institution', 'Institution URI'])
for institution, uri in institution_ids.iteritems():
writer.writerow([institution.title(), uri])
In [420]:
with open('/Users/bpeirson/Desktop/MBL Data/location.csv', 'w') as f:
writer = csv.writer(f)
writer.writerow(['Location', 'Location URI'])
for location, uri in location_ids.iteritems():
writer.writerow([location, uri])
In [421]:
with open('/Users/bpeirson/Desktop/MBL Data/course.csv', 'w') as f:
writer = csv.writer(f)
writer.writerow(['Course Name', 'Course URI'])
for cname, uri in course_ids.iteritems():
writer.writerow([cname, uri])
In [422]:
with open('/Users/bpeirson/Desktop/MBL Data/coursegroup.csv', 'w') as f:
writer = csv.writer(f)
writer.writerow(['Course Group', 'Course Group URI'])
for cname, uri in coursegroup_ids.iteritems():
writer.writerow([cname, uri])
In [ ]: